Aloe Vera Plants originating from Africa and grows well in arid climates. With a little care, you can plant them in your garden. Although it is best as an outdoor plant, aloe vera is good for indoor gardening too, as long as it is sufficient light to grow. While the adults in the house can not flower, some outdoor plants can produce flowers white, yellow or orange in summer.
How to care for aloe vera
It is not difficult to grow aloe vera at home, if you know the right methods. Aloe Vera can be purchased from local nurseries or garden stores. Be sure to get healthy people have no marks, blemishes, or spotted. Those with fallen leaves should also be avoided. larger plants can be determined with crowded roots that can sometimes grow out of the pot. Avoid such plants too. When you choose a healthy aloe, the next step is to plant it in a container. Some of the important factors that affect the healthy development of these plants is sunlight, water, and soil type.

Aloe vera plants need light for their growth, but harsh sunlight can sometimes damage the leaves. dark orange or brown spots can appear on the leaves, just sunburn. These points can be flaky and in some cases the entire leaf may turn orange. Therefore, it is better to keep the plant in a shaded location with indirect sunlight. If you want it as an indoor plant, then make sure that it is full of light. You can hold it near windows or east-west-facing. If the pot is placed on a window, then try to avoid direct sunlight. In winter, keep the plant indoors and ensure that it gets enough light.

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Aloe crop land should be well drained. A potting mix with sand, pumice, perlite and recommended. Today, commercial potting mix is ​​also available. You can go for pre-packaged "cacti and succulent mix ', because it facilitates good drainage. Plant foods dilution can be used (once a year) during the spring. For with houseplants, an organic fertilizer or worm castings kelp will be beneficial.

Aloe vera leaves meat, allowing the plant to store water. Therefore, the plant's water requirements are very low and over-watering can cause rotting. Watering only when the soil is dry. You can water once or twice a month and rarely in winter. Always grow this plant in pots with drainage holes, like the holes help to drain excess water out.

A healthy aloe vera plants grow fast and produce more buds. If the plant has grown faster than the pot and the pot is filled with roots, then you can start repotting. Do not allow the new shoots to grow beyond 3-4 inches, as the bud suck energy from the mother plant. This affects the health of the mother plant, which develops horizontal growth of leaves. Therefore, removing the shoots when they are 3-4 inches long and replant them. It is beneficial to use earthenware pots, because they are porous and allow water drainage. It is better to go for wider pots rather than deeper ones, because of the plant roots do not grow deep.

Aloe vera water plant at the time of transplantation and avoid watering for the next three weeks. It is normal for new plant to change a gray or brown, in the early stages of cultivation. If the leaves are developing flat, trying to provide light. If the growth rate of the plant is very slow, then change the potting mix and stop using fertilizer. aloe can not stand frost or snow. Therefore, keep it in the house in such conditions.





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